The Altered Adventure
This is a transcript of "Origin". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.

Gizzy, Divine and Witch continue their discussion at Gizzy's Sanctuary.

Gizzy: A demon? I'm not fighting a demon. That's insane! You have the wrong guy.
Witch: No. You are the Chosen One. I saw it myself. ballz
Gizzy: What does that even mean?
Witch: Let me tell you a story of how all of this even began. A story that will answer all of your questions. This is the story of your adventure, started in the Altered Universe. This, is your altered adventure.


Alpha: It is as we feared. The demon has broken free of the Nether and right now coming through to our world. We must bring the fight to him before he can wreak his destruction over these beautiful lands.

Divine: My king. We will fight alongside you, wherever you may go, we will follow.

Voice: We all pledged our lives to you, king Alpha. From the day we were born to the day we shall die.We are yours to command.

Jen: Er, surely there's another way to stop this evil. We should not so hastily head into danger and death.

Alpha: Ah, Jen. My angel. There is no other way. you must go into hiding, to stay safe. If I...if anything were to happen to me the kingdom would be weak enough for someone to take advantage. I do not want to see you hurt.

[Rascal enters]

Rascal: My king! Master! I can take Jen to the hideout. She should be safe there.

Alpha: Rascal, right on que. That would be perfect. Make sure Jen is safe. And stay safe. I could not live if anything happened to her

Jen: it sounds like you are planning for doom and sounds like...

Alpha: Afraid not. We won't let anything happen to our king, Jen. Everything will turn out fine.

Jen: Fine, fine, ok, ok. Well, into hiding I go. Fight well! I love you Alpha.

Alpha: I love you too. Stay safe.

[Rascal escorts Jen out]

Barath: So, what's the plan of action to stop this demon?

[Elizabeth enters]

Elizabeth: I want to fight for you!

Barath: Oh please! You're only a girl! You couldn't help us, only slow us down.

Elizabeth: I've been training with weapons for years now, I'm ready for this! I deserve to fight next to my king as much as any of you men.

Alpha: that's very noble of you, young girl. And I suppose the more of us the better. Elizabeth, right?

Elizabeth: Yes, your majesty.

[Alpha nods]

Barath: Fine! Whatever the king wants, just don't get in the way of my hammer little girl.

Divine: Well, we should strike out now, before the demon expects anything

Alpha: Yes. But before that I'd like to speak to Divine. In private.

[Voice, Elizabeth and Barath leave]

Alpha: Should anything happen...

Divine: My king! You can't think like that!

Alpha: But, just in case. Brayden, my son.

Divine: I left him in the safe house at my farm. Everything's dealt with, don't worry my king. I've always taken care of your son and I always will. He's safe.

Alpha: I know, I know. It's just that, I don't want to drag him into this life of pain and loss. He can never know he is the prince of Altered, not even if something happens to me. I want him to lead a normal life. One of joy.

Divine: But my king, if you die and he does not sit on the throne, what happens to the universe?

Alpha: Upon my death, my powers will be split into four elements. These will be picked up by the four strongest people around my dead body. They will become guardians, and should rule the universe instead of Brayden. Oh, and keep him safe Divine.

Divine: Don't worry my king, he'll be as safe as he ever was. I made a promise to you and Jen on his birth bed. I don't intend to break it.

Alpha: Thank you Divine. I know I can trust you. (sigh) Right, let's go find the others and prepare for the fight.

[Alpha and Divine leave]

Outside, in the kingdom

Voice: I don't see Elizabeth.

Alpha: Where's Elizabeth?

Voice: Let's hope we have enough time to meet her before the demon breaks loose.

Barath: I tried to stop her my king, but girls, they are stubborn things.

Alpha: We have a demon to fight here, I can't have my warriors running away just before the battle. She'll have to meet us at Dawn's Opening. Let's head out.

[Alpha, Jen, Divine, Rascal, Voice and Barath leave]


[Elizabeth is running to Letvia's house, and knocks on the doors, waiting for someone to open it]

Letvia: Elizabeth? Quickly now, get inside. Something strange, powerful and dangerous is happening today.

Elizabeth: The demon. Yes, I know, I'm going to help fight it.

Letvia: What? No, you can't do that! It's dangerous, you could easily die.

Elizabeth: I must go out there, they need my help. And besides, I don't want to hide whimpering behind these walls. Anyways, I don't have family to worry about, unlike you.

Letvia: But Elizabeth! Dear Elizabeth! You are my sister, you have my kids, you have a family. And it's us, please don't go out there to die.

Elizabeth: I must protect Altered. I've already made my decision, please don't try persuade me otherwise. It's time I stepped out of my sister's shadow and help protect all that is good in this land. I love you Letvia, and I'm going to fight to protect your family; our family.

Letvia: Fine, fine. I love you too. Please, come back alive.
